Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Saya memang teruja tentang apa-apa berita tentang breastfeeding kerana saya salah seorang ibu yang obses tentang breastfeeding...:).. Di kala heboh tentang wabak H1N1 yang berlaku pada masa kini masih ada berita gembira buat ibu-ibu yang menyusukan bayi-bayi mereka...

Sepertimana yang kita tahu susu ibu adalah susu yang paling steril iaitu tidak akan ada kuman/bakteria di dalam susu ibu. Seorang pesakit saya pernah bertanyakan saya sewaktu beliau terkena cirit-birit adakah beliau perlu berhenti bagi susu ibu kepada anaknya kerana beliau risau kuman cirit-birit akan masuk ke dalam susunya dan akan membuatkan anaknya terkena cirit birit. Saya menasihatinya supaya JANGAN BERHENTI menyusukan bayinya kerana susu ibulah PALING BERSIH aka steril dan kuman dalam badan ibu tidak sesekali akan masuk ke dalam susu ibu (kecuali kuman HIV). Apa yang perlu diamalkan oleh beliau adalah beliau harus membasuh tangannya betul-betul bagi mengelakkan penyebaran kuman daripada tangan semasa menyusukan bayi.

Berbalik kepada cerita H1N1, sama seperti kuman-kuman lain, H1N1 juga tidak akan masuk ke dalam susu ibu. Apa yang lebih penting dan menggembirakan lagi adalah bayi yang disusukan oleh ibu mempunyai pertahanan yang lebih kuat bagi melawan kuman ini berbanding bayi yang menyusu susu formula...Alhamdulillah, syukur kepada Allah yang memberikan nikmat ini kepada DIRI SAYA, ANAK-ANAK SAYA dan juga semua IBU-IBU YANG MENYUSUKAN ANAK MEREKA....Namun begitu langkah pencegahan seperti basuh tangan, tutup mulut semasa bersin dan batuk sentiasa harus diamalkan. Di samping itu, elakkan mengunjungi tempat-tempak sesak....

Maklumat di bawah saya ambil dari laman web MOH yang mereka adapt daripada CDC Atlanta

What can I do to protect my baby?
Take everyday precautions. In addition, take extra care to wash your hands often with soap and not to cough or sneeze in the baby’s face while feeding your baby, or any other time you and your baby are close. If you are ill, or coughing and sneezing, consider wearing a mask.

Does breastfeeding protect babies from this new flu virus?
There are many ways that breastfeeding and breast milk protect babies’ health. Since this is a new virus, we don’t know yet about specific protection against it. Mothers pass on protective antibodies to their baby during breastfeeding. Antibodies are a type of protein made by the immune system in the body. Antibodies help fight off infection.
Flu can be very serious in young babies. Babies who are not breastfed get sick from infections like the flu more often and more severely than babies who are breastfed.

Should I stop breastfeeding my baby if I think I have come in contact with the flu?
No. Because mothers make antibodies to fight diseases they come in contact with, their milk is custom-made to fight the diseases their babies are exposed to as well. This is really important in young babies when their immune system is still developing. Breastfeeding also helps the baby to develop his own ability to fight off diseases.

Is it ok to breastfeed my baby if I am sick?
Yes. This is really important.
Do not stop breastfeeding if you are ill. Ideally babies less than about 6 months of age should get their feedings from breast milk. Breastfeed early and often. Limit formula feeds as much as possible. This will help protect your baby from infection.
If you are too sick to breastfeed, pump and have someone give the expressed milk to your baby.

If my baby is sick, is it okay to breastfeed?
Yes. One of the best things you can do for your sick baby is keep breastfeeding.
Do not stop breastfeeding if your baby is ill. Give your baby many chances to breastfeed throughout the illness. Babies who are sick need more fluids than when they are well. The fluid babies get from breast milk is better than anything else, even better than water or juice because it also helps protect your baby’s immune system.
If your baby is too sick to breastfeed, he or she can drink your milk from a cup, bottle, syringe, or eye-dropper.

Is it okay to take medicine to treat or prevent influenza A(H1N1) while breastfeeding?
Yes. Mothers who are breastfeeding should continue to nurse their babies while being treated for the flu.

Yang ini pula saya ambil sendiri dari CDC Atlanta

Instruct parent and caretakers on how to protect their infant from the spread of germs, like novel influenza A (H1N1) virus, that cause respiratory illnesses:

1. Practice hand hygiene and cough etiquette at all times
2. Keep the infant away from persons who are ill and out of crowded areas.
3. Limit sharing of toys and other items that have been in infants' mouths. Wash thoroughly with soap and water any items that have been in infants' mouths. Keep pacifiers (including the pacifier ring/handle) and other items out of adults' or other infants' mouths prior to giving to the infant. -->

Itu sahaja buat kali ini. Sharing is caring...

Semoga jumpa lagi. Insya-Allah...


Noraslina binti Jusin said...


Info yang sangat bermanfaat dan berguna terutama dalam situasi wabak hari ini.

Memang benar susu ibu antara kejadian Allah yang ajaib. Rezeki yang tersedia buat bayi baru lahir dengan manfaat-manfaat lain juga.

Kalau sebelum ini, sakit mata je, perlu jumpa doktor, tapi Alhamdulillah sekarang ni titiskan je air susu, sakit mata berkurang dan sembuh kembali. Besar sungguh kurnia Ilahi.

Alhamdulillah dan terima kasih atas perkongsian :)

ibuaiman said...

W'salam k'ina,
Terima kasih kerana sudi mengunjungi blog saya..:)
Alhamdulillah apa yang baik dapat dikongsikan bersama....Sharing is caring

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