Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Berita ini berita GEMBIRA untuk ibu-ibu yang MENYUSUKAN ANAK-ANAK mereka termasuk diri saya!!!..."Children who were breast-fed do better in high school and are more likely to go to college than their bottle-fed siblings, researchers report."- sumber daripada Babycenter News, 17 Jun 2009. ..:). Memang kalau nak cerita banyak sangat kelebihan susu ibu ini...Tak tertanding dengan mana-mana jenama susu lembu walaupun yang diiklankan yang paling bagus, paling mahal, tambah DHA dan macam-macam lagi...SUSU IBU IS THE BEST FOR YOUR BABY!!!

Saya boleh dikategorikan sebagai salah seorang ibu yang obses dengan breastfeeding dan saya sendiri adalah salah seorang anak yang tergolong dalam kategori tak mahu langsung minum susu botol!!!Saya sendiri memang tak ingat apa yang berlaku pada diri saya masa saya kecil, tetapi itulah yang diceritakan oleh ibu dan kakak-kakak saya, saya memang reject terus susu botol, tak nak langsung!!!Jadi mahu tak mahu, ibu saya terpaksa menyusukan saya sampai ibu saya mengandungkan adik saya...Dan anak-anak saya nampak gayanya semua mengikut jejak langkah saya, TAK SUKA MINUM SUSU BOTOL!!! Dan hasilnya, saya menyusukan Aiman selama 4 tahun!!!Ramai orang macam tak percaya, tapi memang itu lah kenyataannya...Semasa saya bertugas di Hospital Kuala Lumpur, hospital dah jadi rumah kedua kami...bila saya on-call, saya angkut sekali Aiman, suami saya, bantal dan toto ke hospital....Alhamdulillah saya dapat suami yang memahami..Terima kasih Abang...Tetapi kalau diingat-ingatkan kembali, rasa macam tak percaya dan tak sanggup lagi saya nak harungi kehidupan macam tu lagi...Dan sekarang, Aqilah nampak gayanya ikut jejak langkah ibu dan abangnya juga....

Di sini saya sertakan berita daripada babycenter untuk dikongsi bersama....

Breastfeeding boosts child's school performance
Wed, Jun 17, 2009 (HealthDay News) -- Children who were breast-fed do better in high school and are more likely to go to college than their bottle-fed siblings, researchers report.
While the health benefits of breast-feeding to both infants and mothers is well known, this study suggests the practice may have educational benefits as well. This is the first study using data on siblings to examine the effect of breast-feeding on high school completion and college attendance, the researchers noted.
"We compare sibling pairs -- one of whom was breast-fed and one of whom was not, or siblings who were breast-fed for different durations -- and find consistent evidence that breast-fed children have higher high school grade point averages and a higher probability of attending college," said study co-author Joseph Sabia, an assistant professor of public policy at American University in Washington, D.C.
Since their sample contained a variety of adolescents, the researchers ruled out factors such as socioeconomic status in the connection between breast-feeding and educational achievement, Sabia said.
The report is published in the June 11 issue of the Journal of Human Capital.
For the report, Sabia and his colleague Daniel Rees, a professor of economics at the University of Colorado Denver, used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. They looked at the breast-feeding histories of 126 siblings from 59 families; high school graduation and college attendance data was obtained for 191 siblings from 90 families.
"If you're breast-fed, your high school GPA goes up substantially, and the likelihood that you go on to college goes up," Rees said.
For every month you are breast-fed, your high school GPA goes up about 1 percent and your probability of going to college goes up about 2 percent, Rees added.
"We found that more than one-half of the estimated effect of being breast-fed on high school grades can be linked to improvements in cognitive ability and health," Sabia said. "Thus, we conclude that improvements in cognitive ability and adolescent health may be important pathways through which breast-feeding affects long-term academic achievement," he said.
About one-fifth of the increased likelihood of going to college appears to be due to breast-feeding, Rees added.
"This is another benefit of breast-feeding," Rees said. "We know that breast-feeding leads to better health, higher IQ, but the next step is what are the implications, and this is an important implication," he said.
Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, said this study may not prove a connection between school performance and breast-feeding, but it could be another reason to breast-feed your baby.
"An array of health benefits is convincingly associated with breast-feeding, including a reduced risk of both infections and obesity in the breast-fed child," Katz said. "Less certain, but long suggested, is enhanced cognitive development in breast-fed children as well."
It could be that factors that determine whether or not a baby is breast-fed are an important piece of the puzzle, Katz noted. "Why a baby is fed one way or another may matter as much as which way a baby is fed," he said. "A study of association such as this cannot fully resolve that issue."-- Steven Reinberg What you can do:
Breastfeed your child if you can. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding your baby for at least the first year of life, and longer if both you and your child wish to continue.

Semoga selepas membaca artikel di atas menaikkan semangat untuk ibu-ibu dan bakal ibu-ibu untuk menyusukan anak-anak anda....Naluri seorang IBU memang mahukan yang TERBAIK untuk ANAK-ANAKNYA...Di dalam ajaran ISLAM juga menggalakkan kita menyusukan anak kita sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun.

Itu sahaja buat kali ini.

Semoga jumpa lagi. Insya-ALLAH...

1 comment:

Rizal Ayub said...

Saya amat respect kepada semua ibu2 yang menyusukan anak-anak mereka di dalam dunia ini. Moga-moga anak-anak mereka sihat dan berjaya :)

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